Adobe Animate Vs Illustrator

Adobe Animate Vs Illustrator: In-Depth Comparison

Users might get different sorts of questions while comparing Adobe Animate Vs Illustrator. We have created the following side-by-side comparison to answer most of the questions. We are placing both of the software at once. Let’s find out which one is the best. 

As a general assumption, Animate gets used for creating animation. On the other hand, Illustrator is known for its vector creation capability. These software are popular in different audiences, aspects, and features. Getting into the core difference would provide you with a great idea of both software. 

Before comparing this two popular software, let’s get a brief description of each one:

It’s better to mention both of the software are from Adobe.

Both of the software have common things within the software user interface. But they have some differences in functionality as well.

Adobe Animate

Adobe Animate is a software kit from Adobe corporation. It was first launched in 1996 for creating vector-based animation. Thus, it’s a popular application for creating frame-by-frame animation as well. After its release, the software got its place in animation studios, television, games, software, etc. 

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based software that is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. The initial release of the following software was in 1987. The following application has become one of the best tools to create vector art. Right now it’s one of the forefront tools to make a vector drawing popular. 

Core Comparison On Adobe Animate Vs. Illustrator

In the following section, we are going over the basics to advance the comparison of these two softwares. From ease of usage to availability, we would explore them one after another. Finally, we would place both Adobe animate and Illustrator side by side to present a real comparison. 

Ease of Animation Creation

Ease of Animation Creation

When it comes to creating animation, Adobe Animate comes first at the following comparison. However, as with other Adobe software, you don’t have to go far beyond the starting line. With a brief intro to basic tools, anyone can create stunning animations. Plus, the main purpose of the following application is to create seamless animation as well. 

On the other hand, Adobe Illustrator is only a vector art creation software. Therefore, creating animation within the Illustrator interface is not an available feature. Instead, you have to generate each frame in Illustrator and have expertise in Photoshop. Thus, place all the frames in sequins in Photoshop and create frame-by-frame animation. 

Tool User Base

The user base on Adobe Animate comes from beginners to professional animators. Even though professionals use the following tool, it has many beginner users. As learning Adobe Animate is easy and seamless, many users use it for their projects. 

Adobe Illustrator user base features vector artists, graphic designers, professional studios, students, and the list goes on. The user base of the following software features a wide range of backgrounds. But its main purpose is to create vector art, design, and infographics that do not get pixelated when scaled.

Platform Availability

Talking about platform availability, Adobe Animate falls short behind its fellow software Illustrator. First of all, Adobe Animate is available for Windows and Macintosh platforms to use. Plus, it’s not available to Linux like Adobe Illustrator. But the sad part is Adobe Animate is not available to use on mobile devices such as Android, iPad, and iPhone.  

On the flip side, Adobe Illustrator comes with compatibility for mobile devices. It means you could use Adobe Illustrator on your mobile devices as well as computer devices. Specifically, Adobe Illustrator has released a mobile version of it with the name “Adobe Draw.”

Users Rating

Adobe Animate has many great features and great user ratings as well. But when compared with Illustrator reviews, it feels a bit behind. Bun, in general, the reviews are great and around a 5-star rating. But few people might find it a bit hard to learn and heavy to load in. 

Adobe Illustrator contains a much higher number of user ratings as its user base is a lot higher than Adobe Animate. Yet, the user rating is, most of the time, positive. Adobe reserves a higher number of resources and support for Adobe Illustrator user base, which is why most of the reviews are great to go upon.

Learning Resources

Adobe Animate has great communities where you can learn and teach each other. Further, anyone could share their problems and concerns regarding the features. But, it’s a little bit less resourceful as a lot fewer people use the software. Still, it’s enough for you to learn the basic features of Adobe Animate and get started.

Tutorial and walkthroughs are the norms in the Adobe Illustrator community. Whether it’s a Youtube tutorial or community posting, Adobe Illustrator has abundant learning resources. Further, portfolio sites like Behance feature Adobe Illustrator tutorial webinars regularly.


Both Adobe Animate and Illustrator fall under Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. Yet you could buy a single app with a month or annual subscription as well. As of now, the pricing stands for $20.99 and $19.99 for students each month. On the other hand, the creative cloud subscription can also provide you with Adobe Animate.

The current pricing stands for $20.99 for each passing month, going onto Adobe Illustrator. To be fair, the pricing doesn’t have any huge difference at all. Both of the software costs more or less the same. Thus, it’s up to you which one would be best for your projects.

Support Staffs for Users

As compared to Illustrator, Adobe Animate gets fewer customer queries. But it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have enough customer support. Instead, you would get online support for any questions or issues. Further, community specialists are always active in solving any issue of yours. 

On the other hand, Illustrator offers you robust support and community interaction from Adobe. Because the software has a large user base, perhaps it gets a higher amount of queries. The support staff is always ready to offer custom responses. Even if you are out of online

Which One Is The Best For Animation?

Adobe Animate comes first for Animation. Because the animation feature is a lot robust in the Animate, you could create seamless and frame-by-frame animation using the Adobe Animate. But Adobe Illustrator doesn’t offer you much animation support.

Creating animation in Illustrator requires exporting each frame into Photoshop, so we don’t suggest using Illustrator to create animation. However, if you are an animator, going for Animate would be the best choice of all. 

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s review some of the most asked questions on Animate Vs Illustrator.

Do Professionals Use Adobe Animate?

Animators use the following software for 2D animation creation. Furthermore, it’s known as an industry leader in animation software. Many professionals and software creators compare Animator with other tools as a benchmark. In short, animation professionals use animation a lot of the time.

How To Animate Logos On Adobe Illustrator?

You won’t get the option to animate logos on Adobe Illustrator. Instead, you have to use Adobe After Effects to animate the logos. So first, import your Ai logo file into After effects as a composition. Afterward, you could go into each element and apply animation effects.

Does Adobe Have Other Animation Software?

Apart from the Adobe Animate, you have Adobe After Effects to apply additional effects. Thus, you could even create animation and motion graphics with After Effects. However, as of now, Adobe doesn’t own animation software other than Adobe Animate.


Comparing adobe animate vs illustrator is not a hard task to go on. Both of the software come from the same company, which is Adobe. But, in case you want to create vector art, Adobe Illustrator is the best. For Animation, Animate offers the best of the features. 

Either way, check out each of the software with your own eyes. First, check out which features you need for a specific project. Then, choose the software which matches the project criteria the most. Both of the software kits are great for uses with many features in hand.

Bordie Capron

Bordie Capron


“Bordie Capron is a Sr. Content Maker who is working in The Clipping Path Service an US-based image and video post-production company for over 7+ years. She completed her degree in graphic designing and worked as a graphic designing expert for several years. She always loved writing”

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